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Warehouse and Logistics Automation

Optical Data Transmission Module

Optical Data Transmission Module ST100 series

What is Optical Data Transmission?

The ST100 Series Optical Data Transmission Sensor is an optical data transmission module that uses spatial light as the transmission medium. Its core components include optics, mechanics, circuitry, and software systems. During operation, the sensor converts the data stream from the host computer into laser pulse signals, which are emitted outward by the laser emitter. These laser pulses propagate through free space to the receiver. The receiver detects the incoming light signals, converts them into electrical signals, and transmits the data stream back to the host computer. This process enables efficient data transmission.

Optical Link Characteristics

The ST100 Series Optical Data Transmission Sensor uses infrared lasers for data transmission, employing two laser wavelengths: 785nm and 850nm, for mutual data interaction. The original spot size of each laser is approximately 5mm, with a beam divergence angle of 1°, and the corresponding receiver field of view angle is 1.5°.

Main Applications

The ST100 Series Optical Data Transmission Sensor utilizes optical transmission technology, eliminating the need for physical data transmission cables. As a result, it is particularly suitable for environments where the use of cables is impractical, such as in confined spaces or complex environments. Its main applications include: smart warehousing, overhead cranes, reciprocating transport systems, port automation, stacker cranes, rail cars, and more.
Solution for Positioning tasks on stacker cranes in a high-bay warehouse
Solution for Optical positioning sensors on lift systems
Solution for Lifting positions of corridor conveyors
Solution for port automation

ST100 Series and DS Series Interference-Free Parallel Operation

As storage and retrieval systems increasingly rely on dynamic calculation of position data, pre-calculated position drives can be optimized for high speed or low power consumption, depending on throughput requirements.

The ST100 Series laser-based broadband data transmission module provides additional benefits by offering parallel real-time images from aisles for position data. This aids in fault analysis and correction, as well as system optimization. DADISICK's new ST100 Series Optical Data Transmission Module enables protocol-free, high-speed Ethernet communication with bandwidth up to 100 Mbit/s, making it ideal for internal logistics applications. The module also offers diagnostic capabilities via a display and digital outputs, providing a comprehensive solution for fast debugging and high operational availability.

This module is suitable for wireless data transmission to storage and retrieval devices in automatic high-bay warehouses or transfer vehicles. With a bandwidth of 100 Mbit/s, it can handle large amounts of data, such as diagnostic data generated by cameras installed on storage and retrieval devices for monitoring purposes. When combined with the DS Series Long Distance Laser Ranging Sensor, it offers enhanced functionality.

The ST100 Series Optical Data Transmission Module and DS Series Long Distance Optical Distance Sensors form a powerful suite for linear positioning, offering advanced and investment-secure positioning solutions for storage and retrieval systems from a single source. The 100 Mbit/s high Ethernet data transmission bandwidth enables the implementation of additional availability optimization options.
Diagram Description:
① Distance Sensor
② Reflector Plate
H (Minimum Distance)
Smax (Maximum Travel Distance)
③ ST100 Device No.1
④ ST100 Device No.2

DS Series Long-Distance Laser Rangefinder

Long-Distance Laser Rangefinder Function of the DS Series

The DS Series Long Distance Laser Rangender consists of a laser emitter, an optical receiving device, and an internal processing circuit and software system. The sensor emits a laser beam, which is reflected by a reflector and received by the optical receiving device. The built-in evaluation and measurement unit uses the Time of Flight (TOF) method with phase correlation to accurately calculate the distance between the sensor and the reflector. During the measurement, the reflector or equipment can move linearly along the laser beam path, and the sensor continuously tracks and calculates the distance. The measurement results are transmitted through a data interface.
Long Distance Laser Rangender DS series

Optical Distance Sensors Products List

DADISICK specializes in providing advanced sensor solutions for automation systems in warehouses, ports, and docks. Our sensors are widely used in mobile equipment such as AMRs, AGVs, RTGs, and bridge/gantry cranes, as well as in automation systems like AS/RS. With precise navigation and positioning, reliable obstacle detection, efficient data transmission, and comprehensive safety protection, DADISICK sensors significantly enhance system performance and safety, enabling more efficient material handling. Whether for forklifts, autonomous vehicles, or semi-autonomous vehicles, we offer tailored sensor solutions to meet a wide range of application needs.
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Can the DS Series Laser Distance Sensors be used in parallel with Optical Data Transmission Modules?
Yes, the DS Series Laser Distance Sensors can operate in parallel with the ST100 Series Optical Data Transmission Modules without interference. This combination is ideal for automated warehousing or port systems, providing both precise positioning and stable data transmission.
What data bandwidth does the Optical Data Transmission Module support?
The ST100 Series Module supports 100 Mbit/s high-speed Ethernet communication, meeting the requirements of large data transmission, such as real-time video streams and diagnostic data.
Does the ST100 Series Module support bidirectional communication?
Yes, the ST100 Series Optical Data Transmission Module supports bidirectional data communication, allowing for simultaneous data transmission and reception to ensure real-time and efficient information exchange.
 Does the reflectivity of the target surface affect the measurement results in long-distance laser measurement sensors?
Yes, the reflectivity of the target surface has a certain impact on measurement performance:
▪️High-reflectivity surfaces (e.g., reflective panels or white objects): Provide optimal measurement performance.
▪️Low-reflectivity surfaces (e.g., black objects): The effective measurement distance may be reduced, but the sensor can compensate through adjustable laser power or enhanced algorithms.

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