A professional manufacturer specializing in replacement services for safety sensors.
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Dadisick color sensor can automatically identify various colors. It can accurately identify two similar colors even if the difference is very small. It can output signals only when the required color is detected. The detection distance is 28mm and 500mm, which is widely used in packaging and printing industry, automatic control system, electronic equipment manufacturing and other industries.
Color Sensor Automatic Color Recognition Features
High-precision color recognition
Dadisick color sensors can automatically recognize a variety of colors, even if the difference between two similar colors is small, it can accurately recognize.
This high-precision color recognition capability makes the sensor perform well in application scenarios that require strict color matching.
Signal output control
The sensor only outputs the signal when the required color is detected, which avoids the error and missed reports, which improves the stability and reliability of the system.
DADISICK color sensor can be used to detect whether the color on the print meets the requirements to ensure the color quality of the product.
Optional detection distance
The sensor provides two detection distances of 28mm and 500mm. The shorter detection distance is suitable for scenes that require precise identification at close range, and the longer detection distance is suitable for scenarios that require large -scale monitoring.
In an automated control system, the color sensor can be used to identify and classify objects, thereby triggering the corresponding control action.
Color Sensor Color Recognition Devices Products List
A color sensor is a type of photoelectric sensor. It emits light through an emitter and uses a receiver to detect the light reflected back from the target object. The color sensor can detect the intensity of red, green, and blue light separately, allowing it to determine the color of the target object.
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