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Multi-sided access protection QSA series

Multi-sided access protection QSA series

DADISICK safety light curtain QSA series Multi-Sided Access Protectio
QSA series Multi-Sided Access Protectio
The safety grating uses reflector technology to build a flexible infrared protection network through the reflection of the detection beam emitted by the transmitter in the receiver. This design allows it to form a diverse protection combination to suit different working environments. The surface mount technology used further enhances the shock resistance and ensures the stable operation of the equipment in various vibration environments. Moreover, this grating provides optional protection ranges from 1 to 4 sides, with a maximum protection distance of up to 45 meters on a single side, providing a wide range of applicability, making it an ideal choice for turret punch presses, assembly stations, packaging equipment, and stackers. Ideal for hazardous locations that require area containment protection, such as machine and robot work areas.
Product selection
QSA series photoelectric protection devices use mirrors to change the transmission direction of light to form 2-sided, 3-sided or 4-sided protection areas.
1-sided protection area
1-sided protection area
20/40/80/200mm light spacing Optional
2-sided protection area
2-sided protection area
20/40/80/200mm light spacing Optional
3-sided protection area
3-sided protection area
20/40/80/200mm light spacing Optional
obrázekmodelPopis produktuVíce

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