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Advanced Door Lock Systems Ensuring Safety in Industrial Robotics

Advanced Door Lock Systems Ensuring Safety in Industrial Robotics

Safety Switch
As industrial automation continues to evolve, the use of industrial robots is becoming more prevalent. While these robots offer significant production efficiency gains, they also present new safety challenges. Industrial robots typically operate at high speeds and with considerable power, underscoring the need for effective safety measures to prevent accidents within the robot operation area. Safety door lock systems have emerged as a crucial solution in this context, serving as a vital barrier to ensure the safety of both personnel and equipment.
In the context of industrial robot operations, safety door locks are of paramount importance. Their primary function is to restrict unauthorized personnel from entering the robot operation area. When necessary, they can also trigger shutdowns or initiate warning mechanisms in coordination with safety control systems. Their specific functions include:
1. Preventing unauthorized access to hazardous areas is a key benefit of safety door locks. Safety door locks guarantee that only authorized personnel can enter the robot operation area, thus preventing accidents.
2. The interlocked shutdown functionality is as follows: Upon opening a safety door, the door lock system promptly engages with the robot's control system, halting the robot's operation to avert potential hazards.
3. Real-time monitoring and alarm functionality: The door lock system is equipped with real-time monitoring capabilities, enabling the detection of any abnormalities in the safety status of the operation area and the triggering of alarms in case of such occurrences, thus further enhancing safety.
Case Show
A major automotive manufacturing company employs a large number of industrial robots on its production line, responsible for welding and assembling vehicle bodies. These robots operate at high speeds and with significant force, posing a risk of injury to personnel who may come too close. To prevent accidents, the company decided to install a high-security safety door lock system for each robot work cell.
Project Requirements
High Security: Prevent operators from entering hazardous areas while robots are in operation.
Rapid Response: Ensure that robots can immediately stop operating the moment the door lock is triggered.
Adaptability to Industrial Environments: The system must function reliably in environments with high temperatures, dust, and vibrations.
Ease of Use and Maintenance: The system should be simple to operate and maintain, minimizing any impact on production efficiency.
OX-W5|The Safety Interlock Switch with locking function|DADISICK
Factory packaging: 1 Safety Locking and 2 Keys accessories, cable
Lock material: metal
Outputs: 4 sets of gold plated contacts
Tensile strength when locked: locking force 1300N
Contact type: 6 contact combinations
Optional back unlocking function: indicator light+emergency unlocking
The safety door switch with locking function can ensure that the safety protection device door and other protective covers remain in a safe state even if the dangerous state is not eliminated.
Suitable for monitoring safety doors and windows
High strength wear-resistant engineering plastic with built-in 304 stainless steel components
Forced mechanical interlocking self detection structure with extremely high reliability
Safety Locking Devices
Solution Design
Based on the project requirements, we designed a safety door lock system for each robot work cell, integrating an electromagnetic lock with a safety control module. The system features:
High-Strength Electromagnetic Lock: The lock possesses extremely high tensile strength, ensuring that the door cannot be forced open when locked.
Interlocked Shutdown: When the safety door is opened, the door lock system immediately sends a signal to the robot's control system, causing the robot to stop all movements.
Environmental Adaptability: The lock and control module are made from corrosion-resistant materials and are specially protected to operate stably in environments with high temperatures, dust, and strong vibrations.
Simple Operation and Maintenance: The system includes an intuitive user interface, allowing operators to easily conduct routine checks and maintenance.
Implementation Process:
During implementation, we first conducted a detailed survey of each robot work cell's layout to determine the optimal installation location for the door locks. Then, the system was installed and calibrated according to the design specifications, ensuring that each door lock system could seamlessly integrate into the existing robot control system.
During the debugging phase, we conducted multiple simulated emergency tests to ensure that the system could quickly and accurately stop the robot's operation when the door lock was triggered. Additionally, specialized training was provided to the operators to familiarize them with the system's operation and maintenance procedures.
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OX-W5|The Safety Interlock Switch with locking function|DADISICK
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DADISICK byl vždy oddán špičkovým produktům bezpečnostních senzorů se zaměřením na technologický výzkum a vývoj a inovace produktů. Naše produkty jsou široce používány v průmyslových odvětvích, jako je automatizační zařízení, strojní výroba, výroba automobilů a výroba elektroniky, což pomáhá snižovat počet průmyslových nehod a zajišťuje bezpečnost zaměstnanců. Pokračujeme v zavádění nových produktů, které splňují požadavky trhu, a poskytujeme podporu pro podnikovou bezpečností výrobu.

*Služby výměny: Na vysoce konkurenčním trhu musí podniky neustále zlepšovat své produkty, aby si udržely podíl na trhu. Poskytujeme služby výměny bezpečnostních senzorů.

*Vylepšení nebo úprava produktových řad: Když společnost vstoupí na nové trhy nebo změní zaměření, možná bude muset vylepšit svou produktovou řadu. Nabízíme produkty bezpečnostních senzorů a technickou podporu pro tento přechod.

*Automatizační průmysl Monitorujte provozní stav zařízení, okamžitě zastavte nebo upravte činnost stroje, abyste zajistili bezpečnost výrobního procesu.

* Mechanická výroba Monitorujte součásti mechanického pohybu, zabraňte potenciálním nebezpečím, zajistěte bezpečnost zaměstnanců a hladký provoz výrobní linky.

*Bezpečnost výroby automobilů monitoruje vysoce rizikové procesy na montážních linkách vozidel, zvyšuje bezpečnost pracovníků a efektivitu výroby.

*Chemický průmysl Monitorování výrobního prostředí v reálném čase, zajištění bezpečnosti při manipulaci s toxickými a nebezpečnými látkami.

*Potravinářský a nápojový průmysl Sledujte provoz zařízení výrobní linky, zabraňte kontaminaci potravin a plýtvání.

*Logistika a skladování Používá se pro navigaci AGV a vyhýbání se překážkám, zajišťuje bezpečnou přepravu zboží.

*Dřevěný, textilní, papírenský, tiskařský, gumárenský a plastikářský průmysl, mimo jiné, bezpečnostní senzory se používají k monitorování různých výrobních procesů, zajišťujících bezpečnost a efektivitu.