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Ultrasonic Sensor Introduction Page

DADISICK Ultrasonic Sensors
Basic principles of dadisick ultrasonic sensorUltrasonic sensors use the characteristics of sound waves to provide a contactless and accurate detection solution for detecting the status and distance of objects. The sensor emits mechanical sound waves with a very high frequency and receives the sound waves reflected back from the object. It calculates the time or energy between transmitting and receiving the sound waves to obtain the precise distance or status of the target object.
Outstanding features:Ultrasonic sensors are different from ordinary proximity switches and photoelectric sensors.Compared with inductive or capacitive proximity switches, its detection distance is longer. Compared with photoelectric sensors, it can be used in harsher environments and is not affected by the color of the target, dust, water mist, etc. in the air.
Widely used:Ultrasonic sensors are suitable for detecting objects in different states, such as liquids, transparent materials, reflective materials, and particulate matter.
Precision Detection:
Ultrasonic sensors are devices that use sound waves to measure distance. They can emit high-frequency ultrasound and receive reflected sound waves to determine the position and distance of objects. This type of sensor is widely used in various fields, such as automotive reverse radar, industrial measurement, liquid level control, etc. The core advantage of ultrasonic sensors is that they are not sensitive to light conditions and can operate stably in various environments, including environments with dust, smoke, or mist. Simply put, ultrasonic sensors accurately perform non-contact measurements by sending and receiving sound waves to "hear" the surrounding environment.
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Application
Ultrasonic Sensor Applications
Ultrasonic sensors have the following characteristics:
Non contact: Ultrasonic sensors can achieve non-contact measurement without direct contact with the measured object.

Wide range measurement: Ultrasonic sensors can be used for long-distance or short distance measurements, suitable for different application scenarios.

High precision: Ultrasonic sensors typically have high measurement accuracy and can achieve millimeter level distance measurement.

Real time performance: Ultrasonic sensors can quickly measure and provide real-time feedback and data.
Application area:
Ultrasonic sensors have wide applications in many fields, including industrial automation, robotics technology, vehicle safety, smart homes, printing and packaging machinery, etc. They can be used for various applications such as distance measurement, obstacle detection, liquid and material level control, position control, mechanical manufacturing, and equipment engineering.
Ultrasonic Sensor Detecting transparent glass bottles
Products List                                                                                                                                                                         
Ultrasonic sensors CSB12 series
Ultrasonic sensors are devices that use sound waves to measure distance.
Ultrasonic sensors CSR30 series
Ultrasonic sensors are devices that use sound waves to measure distance.
Ultrasonic sensors CSDB series | Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors | DADISICK
Ultrasonic sensors are devices that use sound waves to measure distance.
Ultrasonic sensors CSB18 series for Precision Distance Detecting | DADISICK
Ultrasonic sensors are devices that use sound waves to measure distance.
Ultrasonic sensors CSDA series | Double Sheet Detection Sensor | DADISICK
Ultrasonic sensors are devices that use sound waves to measure distance.
Ultrasonic sensors CSB30 series High Accuracy Detection Ultrasonic sensing
Non-contact detection independent of colour, transparency or surface characteristics of the object
Matching product                                                                                                                                                                
QL04-20-60BRF21B|Measuring Light Curtains|DADISICK
Beam spacing: 20mm Number of optical axes: 4 Protection height: 60mm
DT14 series|Rubber Hybrid Safety Mats|DADISICK
Safety carpet is a technology that monitors the pressure distribution on the carpet through pressure sensing.
Laser displacement|COMS Laser Sensor|DADISICK
By converting from the laser into electrical signals. determine various characteristics,distance, displacement, or position.
20m Navigation Safety|Laser Scanning Radar|DADISICK
Sensing range 20m, A technique that uses a laser beam to measure distance and create detailed maps of objects and environments.
Safety Relay QRSN
safety relay for Dadisick Safety Light Curtains
1. Do you offer OEM services for industrial ultrasonic sensors?
Absolutely! We provide comprehensive OEM services, including customizable product options and laser marking. Our team works closely with clients to deliver tailored solutions to meet their specific needs.
2. How does your product's interchangeability compare with competitors?
Our ultrasonic sensors boast exceptional interchangeability with competitor products. This ensures easy replacement or integration with existing systems, minimizing downtime and ensuring compatibility.
3. What customization options are available for your ultrasonic sensors?
Our ultrasonic sensors offer a wide range of customization options, including different sensing ranges, output types, and communication protocols. We prioritize flexibility to meet your unique requirements.
4. How do you ensure the quality and reliability of your ultrasonic sensors?
Quality is our top priority. We employ stringent quality control measures throughout the manufacturing process and subject our ultrasonic sensors to rigorous testing to meet industry standards and deliver consistent performance.
5. What certifications do your ultrasonic sensors hold?
Our ultrasonic sensors are certified to meet international standards such as RoHS and CE. These certifications validate our commitment to quality and compliance with regulatory requirements.
6. Can your ultrasonic sensors seamlessly integrate into existing systems?
Absolutely! Our ultrasonic sensors are designed for seamless integration with various industrial systems. We provide detailed documentation and technical support to ensure smooth installation and operation.
7. What support do you offer for troubleshooting and maintenance?
We provide comprehensive technical support to address any troubleshooting or maintenance issues that may arise. Our team is dedicated to ensuring the continued reliability and performance of our ultrasonic sensors.
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Standardy kvality

S oddaným zaměřením na zajištění průmyslové výroby po dobu 18 let je DADISICK průkopníkem „Laboratoře spolehlivosti produktů“. To zahrnuje inovativní testování, jako jsou vibrační testy, nárazové testy, vodotěsné a prachotěsné testy a testy stability životnosti. Vše zaměřeno na vytvoření bezpečnostních světelných mříží s vynikajícím výkonem, stabilním provozem a uživatelsky přívětivou funkčností. Každá sada produktů prochází před odesláním přísným testováním, aby byla zajištěna integrita.

Bohaté případové studie

Během posledních 18 let se DADISICK věnuje technologickému výzkumu a vývoji, inovacím produktů a praktickým aplikacím. Díky bohatým znalostem výroby a automatizace na místě poskytujeme podporu našim zákazníkům. Náš závazek spočívá v rozvoji podniků na ochranu bezpečnosti zaměřených na prevenci nehod při lisování ve výrobě. Tento závazek pohání neustálé inovace a rozšiřování našeho sortimentu.

Technologie výzkumu a vývoje

DADISICK se neustále zavazuje řešit technické výzvy a kritické problémy na trzích našich zákazníků. Abychom vyhověli zvýšeným požadavkům zákazníků, zajišťujeme vysokou stabilitu, přesnost a výkon našich produktů. Vše zaměřeno na vytvoření bezpečnostních světelných mříží s vynikajícím výkonem, stabilním provozem a uživatelsky přívětivou funkčností.

Rozsáhlá produktová řada

Díky rozmanité řadě produktů nabízíme nejen našich 2000 vlastních produktů DADISICK, ale také různé značkové alternativy, abychom uspokojili vaše osobní potřeby. Naši obchodní technici jsou vždy připraveni poskytnout komplexní podporu ve všech aspektech vašeho podnikání. Jsme tu pro vás, od fáze návrhu a výzkumu až po výběr modelu, poradenství na místě a provozní asistenci po přijetí produktu do výrobní linky.